Herpin U, Lieth H, Markert B (1995): Monitoring der Schwermetallbelastung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit Hilfe von Moosanalysen. Berlin. UBA-Text 31/95.
Siewers U, Herpin U (1998): Schwermetalleinträge in Deutschland. Moos-Monitoring 1995/96. Stuttgart. Geologisches Jahrbuch, Sonderhefte, Heft SD 2.
Siewers U, Herpin U, Straßburg S (2000): Schwermetalleinträge in Deutschland. Moos-Monitoring 1995/96. Teil 2. Stuttgart. Geologisches Jahrbuch, Sonderhefte, Heft SD3.
Schröder W, Pesch R, Matter Y et al. (2009): Trend der Schwermetall-Bioakkumulation 1990 bis 2005. Qualitätssicherung bei Probenahme, Analytik, geostatistischer Auswertung. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoffforschung 21: 549-574.
Schröder W, Holy M, Pesch R et al. (2010): Erfassung der Anreicherung von Metallen und Stickstoff in baden-württembergischen Moosen. In: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 22, S. 721 - 735, https://enveurope.springeropen.com/articles/10.1007/s12302-010-0146-1. Dieser Artikel ist ein Beitrag einer mehrteiligen Serie über das Moos-Monitoring in den Bundesländern.
Nickel S, Schröder W, Wosniok W (2018): Umstrukturierung eines Biomonitoring-Messnetzes für atmosphärische Deposition in Wäldern (Re-organisation of a long-term biomonitoring network for deposition of air pollutants in forest). In: Waldökologie, Landschaftsforschung und Naturschutz 17, S. 5-24 [pdf 2.1 M; urn: nbn:de:0041-afsv-01724] + Supplement, S. 1-39. Anhang/Appendix Nickel, Schröder; Wosniok (pdf 1.5 M; urn:nbn:de:0041-afsv-01731).
Nickel S, Schröder W, Drehwald U et al. (2018). Räumliche Struktur von Schwermetall- und Stickstoffanreicherungen in deutschlandweit gesammelten Moosen (1990-2015), Link zu Forschungsdaten und wissenschaftlicher Software (Version v1) [Data set]. ZENODO, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1321105.
Nickel S, Schröder W (2019). Hinweise auf moosartenspezifische Elementanreicherungen? In: Schröder W, Fränzle O, Müller F (Hg) Handbuch der Umweltwissenschaften. Wiley, VCH. 26. Erg.Lfg.:1-19.
Schröder W, Nickel S, Völksen B et al. (2019): Nutzung von Bioindikationsmethoden zur Bestimmung und Regionalisierung von Schadstoffeinträgen für eine Abschätzung des atmosphärischen Beitrags zu aktuellen Belastungen von Ökosystemen, Abschlussbericht zum F&E Projekt FKZ 3715 63 2120, Umweltbundesamt Dessau-Roßlau.
Veröffentlichungen international
Harmens H, Norris DA, Cooper DM et al. (2012): Nitrogen concentrations in mosses indicate the spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe, Environmental Pollution, Volume 159, Issue 10, October 2011, Pages 2852-2860.
Schröder W, Pesch R; Hertel A et. al. (2013): Correlation between atmospheric deposition of Cd, Hg and Pb and their concentrations in mosses specified for ecological land classes covering Europe, Atmospheric Pollution Research,Volume 4, Issue 3, July 2013, Pages 267-274
Harmens H, Ilyin I, Mills G et al. (2012): Country-specific correlations across Europe between modelled atmospheric cadmium and lead deposition and concentrations in mosses, Environ Pollut. 2012 Jul;166:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2012.02.013. Epub 2012 Mar 28.
Harmens H, Schröder W, Zechmeister HG et al. (2015): Comments on J.A. Fernandez,M.T. Boquete, A. Carballeira et al. (2015). A critical review of protocols for moss biomonitoring of atmospheric deposition: Sampling and sample preparation. Science of the Total Environment 517:132-150. In: Science of the Total Environment 538 (2015) 1024-1026.
Schröder W, Pesch R (2006): Mosses as bioindicators for metal accumulation: Statistical aggregation of measurement data to exposure indices. Ecological Indicators - Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 137-152.
Schröder W, Pesch R (2007): Synthesizing bioaccumulation data from the German metals in mosses surveys and relating them to ecoregions - Science of The Total Environment, Volume 374, Issues 2-3, Pages 311-327.
Holy M, Schröder W, Pesch R et al. (2010): First thorough identification of factors associated with Cd, Hg and Pb concentrations in mosses sampled in the European Surveys 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005. In: Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry. Volume 63, Number 2, 109-124.
Schröder W, Holy M, Pesch R et al. (2010a): First Europe-wide correlation analysis identifying factors best explaining the total nitrogen concentration in mosses. In: Atmospheric Environment 44, 3485-3491.
Schröder W, Holy, M, Pesch, R et al. (2010b): Are cadmium, lead and mercury concentrations in mosses across Europe primarily determined by atmospheric deposition of these metals? In: Journal for Soils and Sediments, Volume 10, Number 8, 1572-1584, DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11368-010-0254-y.
Schröder W, Pesch R (2010): Long-term monitoring of the metal accumulation in forests measured by use of the moss technique. European Journal of Forest Research 129, pp. 475-488.
Schröder W, Holy M, Pesch et al. (2011a): Mapping background values of atmospheric nitrogen total depositions in Germany based on EMEP deposition modelling and the European Moss Survey 2005. In: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011, 23:18 DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1186/2190-4715-23-18.
Schröder W, Holy M, Pesch R et al. (2011b): Mapping atmospheric depositions of cadmium and lead in Germany based on EMEP deposition data and the European Moss Survey 2005. In: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011, 23:19 DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1186/2190-4715-23-19.
Nickel S, Schröder W (2017): Reorganisation of a long-term monitoring network using moss as biomonitor for atmospheric deposition in Germany. Ecological Indicators 76:194-206.
Nickel S, Schröder W (2017): Long-term moss monitoring network for atmospheric deposition in Germany, link to research data and scientific software. ZENODO, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1320800 1320800, Supplement to: Nickel, S.; Schröder, W. (2017). Reorganisation of a long-term monitoring network using moss as bioindicator for atmospheric deposition in Germany. Ecological Indicators 76:194-206.
Dreyer A, Nickel S, Schröder W (2018): (Persistent) Organic pollutants in Germany: results from a pilot study within the 2015 moss survey. In: Environmental Sciences Europe 30(43): 1-14 .
Harmens H, Norris D, Mills G et al. (2018): Heavy metals and nitrogen in mosses: spatial patterns in 2010/2011 and long-term temporal trends in Europe. ICP Vegetation Programme Coordination Centre, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Bangor, UK.
Nickel S, Schröder W (2018): Modelling spatial patterns of correlations between concentrations of heavy metals in mosses and atmospheric deposition across Europe in 2010, link to research data and scientific software (Version v1) [Data set]. ZENODO, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1401131, Supplement to: Nickel S, Schröder W, Schmalfuss R et al. (2018): Modelling spatial patterns of correlations between concentrations of heavy metals in mosses and atmospheric deposition in 2010 across Europe. Environmental Science Europe 30(53):1-17.
Schröder W, Nickel S (2018): Mapping percentile statistics of element concentrations in moss specimens collected from 1990 to 2015 in forests throughout Germany. Atmospheric Environment 190:161-168.
Schröder W, Nickel S (2019): Spatial structures of heavy metals and nitrogen accumulation in moss specimens sampled between 1990 and 2015 throughout Germany. Environmental Science Europe 31(33):1-15+ Suppl:1-8 [https://doi.org/10.1186/s12302-019-0216-y].
Wosniok W, Nickel S, Schröder W (2019): R Software Tool for Calculating Minimum Sample Sizes for Arbitrary Distributions (SSAD), Link to scientific software (Version v1). ZENODO, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2583010.
Die Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse des Europäischen Moosmonitorings 2015/2016 wird als Thematischer Bericht des ICP Vegetation im Sommer 2019 erfolgen.